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Why can't symptoms be used as a barometer of your family's health?

Written By Hope Chiropractic on September 20, 2023

family smiling

“Thousands of Americans die of heart attacks each and every year and the heart attack is their first sign of disease. Statistically, in cases of fatal heart attacks, the fatal heart attack was the very first symptom in over 40% of the male population. Think about it… Have you ever had a friend who was feeling great, had a doctor’s appointment, a mammogram or a chest x-ray and was given bad news several days later? Cancer doesn’t develop in just a few days and yet they were feeling good. Do you know someone who has diabetes? You know that as long as they are taking a proper quantity of insulin they have no symptoms and feel great. Meanwhile the disease continues to ravage their body over time producing circulatory problems, nerve system disorders, kidney damage, and eventually blindness.”1

Every day your body is changing.  It is either getting weaker or getting stronger.  It is either getting sicker or it is getting healthier.  It is up to you to decide if you will get stronger and healthier or weaker and sicker.

You can’t wait until symptoms develop before you decide to maintain or regain health… it might be too late!

Your central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) is responsible for sending messages to every cell, tissue, organ and system in your body. This communication is made possible by your nervous system. This vast communication network is in charge of virtually every function in your body and determines whether you enjoy good health or disease. The central nervous system is so important that nature built armor around it, your skull and spinal column.

However, even with this inborn protection, our nervous system can experience interference, injury or disturbance. We call this damage to our nervous system a Subluxation.  A subluxation is when you have a bone that is out of alignment from the other bones in your body and it puts pressure on your neurological system.  If you have one or multiple subluxations that exist in your spinal neurological network, this could potentially be a very serious threat to your continued overall health and well-being. 

Subluxations can have devastating effects on your overall health and well-being. Our primary goal is to detect and correct the subluxations that are interfering with your nervous system.

The Chiropractic meaning of life!

“There is a distinct Chiropractic view of health, that health is much more than just how you feel, it’s how you function and express yourself. Health is a state in which your body can express: 100% of your human potential, 100% of your human spirit, and where your cells, tissues, organs, and systems are functioning 100%, 100% of the time.”1

There is an inborn, innate intelligence in all living things that naturally gives us our instincts and information to survive, thrive, and adapt in this ever-changing world. It’s the expression of this inborn intelligence through our nerve system that allows our body to perform at 100%. This is the Chiropractic meaning of life.

Your life is an expression of this intelligence through your body. The quality of your life is indeed directly proportional to the ability of your nervous system to express this intelligence through your body without interference to this process.

How well is your nervous system performing?  Chiropractic removes interference and disturbances in the nervous system, allowing you to express yourself to your fullest potential.

Chiropractic has always been and always will be about restoring health and wellness to the body, not just treating back and neck pain. Chiropractic is a lifestyle that creates well-being, improves your quality of life, and improves your performance at every level. Have your family checked for interference to their nervous system today.

Posted In: Health