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It is Priceless

Written By Hope Chiropractic on November 15, 2023

a lady and a man meditating

It’s a new year and a new YOU! I am not a huge New Year’s resolution person, but many people feel a fresh-start-opportunity and make goals towards the best year yet. My favorite thing each year is to choose my word-of-the-year and focus on that word throughout the year.  “Abundance”, “resilience”, “priceless, and “allow” have been a few of my words. I will use the word “allow” through this article as we jump into a new year and a new you. Allow these priceless words to sink in!

What if I told you that your body has the ability to heal itself from the inside-out?  Would you believe me?  Would you share with your friends and family about this “new way” to find health and wellness?  If your body functioned properly and didn’t hurt or get sick often, would it be priceless? 

 You may have been told of this cutting-edge healthcare system we call Chiropractic.  The Chiropractic stories do not end with neck and back pain, headaches, or sciatica; this is just the beginning.  When a patient begins their journey with chiropractic care suffering from migraines and leaves with no headache, it is priceless.  When a patient comes into the office with no hope except being in a wheelchair and is now running daily…it is priceless.  When a child comes into the office on medication for ADD/ADHD and is able to get off the drugs and still has all of the focus needed to get through a day of school…it is priceless.  To see a child who is going to have tubes put in his ears for chronic ear infections and the surgery is avoided…it is priceless.  To see an injured runner struggling through a 4-mile run due to the pain, then in a few weeks completing a marathon…it is priceless.  To see an exhausted mother allow her inconsolable infant to be adjusted and it sleeps through the night…it is priceless.

Our bodies heal from the inside through our nervous system.  Our brain communicates with every muscle, organ, and tissue in our body to transfer the information and allow proper function.  When one of the vertebrae in our spine is misaligned, it puts pressure on our nerves causing improper communication to our body.  This misalignment is called a subluxation.  Chiropractors have the ability to correct these subluxations and allow the body to restore itself back to health from the inside-out.  Are you ready to allow your body to heal? Are you ready to get your health back? Are you ready to make this your best year yet? Allow an experience with chiropractic care. IT IS PRICELESS!

Posted In: Chiropractic